MH hat geschrieben:Der gute alte Demise Hab mich von Anfang an gewundert, wie der mit Wheel immer so ownen konnte. Das Video ist in meinen Augen ein 100%-Beweis. Kein Anlass für weitere Worte
how could someone go for this long "subtly" hacking bills/shocks or w/e and not be caught?
Demise is not an idiot. He would not have been stupid enough to hack a fucking bill in a worldwide, let alone one that he was streaming.
there is so much wrong with this.
- Nami was obviously looking for something to happen.
- This section of the race is the only part to be uploaded at all.
- Nami has a bone to pick with Demise over the finnish clan thing (don't know all the details on this)
- Demise has been around since 2008 and has always been a top-class racer
- Demise has thrown enough hack accusations around that to risk using hacks (and being caught) would be tantamount to ritual suicide
- Demise is smart enough to know that hacking bills is a one-way ticket to a name-and-shame forum (cough)
- Demise was streaming at the time (I have multiple people who can confirm this)
- Nami sandbagged for an early bill, and got it - why did he not use it when an early bill is pretty well auto-1st?
- Why was Nami looking in his rear view so much just to see what 2 guys were doing, when there was all manner of rape ahead of him?
- Why was Nami constantly hitting walls and failing in general on one of the easiest tracks in the game when he is part of one of the top frontrunning clans in the world?
- Why in the **** would Demise risk destroying his clan, his name, his teammates' names and his dignity JUST to win a worldwide with a hacked bullet bill?
The evidence here is not clear-cut, therefore we need to go on motives. Nami had beef with Demise. He has a motive. He has the means to frame him for hacking - using a "always get item" code and a button modifier, plus a recording. Demise has no need to hack and - even if he does - he's gone long enough without a serious accusation to make a bill hack something much more than an amateur mistake.
Nami could have easily sandbagged several races in a row and waited until Demise got the bill in 12th (or w/e) so he could record the "damning proof". We don't see Nami use the bill, so it could be a texture hack as Emeth said. We don't see the rest of the race, so we don't know if Nami hit any other item boxes for more bills or if he intentionally avoided boxes so that he wouldn't be proven to be a hacker himself.
- Nami sandbagged for an early bill, and got it - why did he not use it when an early bill is pretty well auto-1st?
Dused hat geschrieben:JK hatte mal im 1on1 einen Stern, hat sich aber nicht getraut ihn einzusetzen!11
Neo hat geschrieben:Sag ich auch mal was dazu:
Vlt. cheatet ja auch Nami bzw. es ist möglich von vornerein einzustellen was man in der nächsten Item-Box bekommt (Das geht 100%tig)
Warum guckt er nach hinten ?
-Um zu schauen ob einer einen Bullet Bill bekommt
-Er wusste bestimmt das DemisE streamend (da sie im selben clan sind und der Stream link 100% im All Stars Skype Chat gestanden hat.)
-Da könnte er gedacht haben ich sage DemisE cheatet und übernehme so All Stars
-Warum "verpetzt" er einen Teammate ? würde ich nicht machen.
naja um das vornerein klarzustellen die Aussage war keine Pro All Stars Aussage weil bei in A* sind =)
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