von Paul648 » So 25. Mär 2012, 12:18
^ Genau das ist es und MG stinkt ja schon nach TAS.
Here i gonna tell you the complete story: Phoenix said that he showed to Bryce how to TAS, after he did that, Bryce uploaded his MG Time, DDR, MMM etc.Look at Bryces channel for his new gv2 CR, its 100% TAS and his old run was copyied from Axel, he made a TAS Proof against Sky which isnt the true, because Bryce faked it.Thats imb4 fail.
Brutalo77 vor 1 Woche
früherer Nick: masterpaul
Giant hat geschrieben:Lüg nicht, Tschuki schlagen hat immer höchste Priorität!